

Telecommunications in India is comprised of three main categories: mobile (wireless), fixed-line (wireline), and Internet services. In 2014, India’s telecommunication sector became the second largest market in the world by telecom subscriber count and growth has continued further.

Mobile and fixed-line telecommunication allows direct communication through the operation of switching and transmission facilities. Mobile telecom companies use air waves while fixed-line telecom requires twisted pair cables. Both use optical fiber cables, microwave radios and/or satellite link-ups for backhaul and backbone purposes. 97% of subscribers in India use wireless services; the remainder utilize wireline.

For Internet services, consumer and corporate channels use Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

Telecom Circles/Service Areas

There are 22 telecom service areas (telecom circles) in India that are separated into four categories covering different areas:

  • Metro – major cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata
  • “A” category circles are the ones with highest  telecom subscriber counts and include states such as  Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu
  • “B” category circles are the ones with medium  telecom subscriber counts and include states such as Haryana, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal
  • “C” category circles are the ones with relatively low  telecom subscriber counts and include states such as Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Orissa, and the seven northeastern states of India.

Telecom service providers that want to operate in India must obtain a license for the desired circle. India’s Department of Telecommunications holds auctions to distribute electromagnetic spectrum licenses and has recently completed auctions for 3G spectrum.

Our Services

GLINTEKO’s go-to-market service for India helps with developing and executing roadmaps to expand your presence:

•    Feasibility Studies & Financial Analysis
•    Facilitating customs & tariffs processes
•    Foreign Direct Investment compliance
•    Negotiation with Indian counterparts
•    Attracting and retaining top engineer and business development talent
•    Avoiding cultural gaffes


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