
In today’s era it is apparent that building more roads is not effective solution for improving urban mobility. Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) is an amalgamation of leading-edge information and communication technologies used in traffic to improve control, enforcement safety, efficiency, and sustainability of traffic networks, to decrease traffic congestion and to enhance drivers’ experiences. ITMS also includes Traffic Enforcement solutions like – RLVD, ANPR, Speed Violation Detection, eChallan System.

Glinteko ITMS Offerings

  • Traffic Command and Control System
  • Intelligent Traffic Management System – ITMS
  • Adaptive Traffic Control System – ATCS
  • Traffic Enforcement – ANPR, RLVD, eChallan, Speed Violation, TARS
  • Variable Message Sign Board
  • Intelligent Transit Systems
  • Public Address Systems & Emergency Call Box
  • Traffic City Surveillance

Key Highlights

  • Innovative products and solutions in the area of Intelligent Traffic Management Systems
  • Consultancy advice for selection, design and implementation of traffic technology, including traffic control systems
  • ATCS solution from the experts in the industry is offered
  • Analysis and solutions recommended for traffic congestion problems
  • Operate your existing traffic control systems efficiently
  • Provides transport modelling and demand estimation services


  • Traffic system will become efficient and secure with the use of information, communications and control technologies
  • Speed cameras leads to casualty reductions, congestion improvements and improved environmental factors
  • Travel time is reduced and managed well for the complete city
  • Integration of vehicle systems with mobile communications and advanced mapping technology leads to reduction in fuel consumption
  • Electronic ticketing allows faster, easier travel by public transport
  • Provision of on-line information on buses and trains creates a better-informed traveller and operator
  • Helping drivers to find parking spaces thus minimising congestion and pollution


At GLINTEKO, our unique expertise in strategy and technology helps companies reorient their focus, align stakeholders across departments, and leverage technology to gain a competitive advantage.

Let’s discuss small moves that can make a big impact on your business.