Energy and Utilities

New technologies empower energy and utility leaders

Energy and utility companies face a level of disruption not seen in decades. New, cash-rich competitors are disrupting the market. Renewables prices continue to ratchet downward. New energy-storage technologies are rapidly becoming industrialized. Meanwhile, technology – and opportunity – are moving to the edge. Just consider:

  • Edge computing is placing capture and analysis of data wherever it’s generated – by customers on mobile devices, by IoT sensors in electric vehicles, by machine-to-machine connections in smart buildings.
  • GLINTEKO is purpose-built to guide energy and utility companies as they master these market shifts and tech-triggered trends. Our 16,000 energy experts work with you to create a vision and chart a path to digital transformation. We equip you to start projects today that ladder up to long-term strategic goals.

Glinteko knows from experience how to help you

  • Become a customer-centric digital business
  • Leverage IoT, machine learning, and edge computing
  • Identify, develop, and implement new business models
  • Control costs and demonstrate value to customers and regulators


At GLINTEKO, our unique expertise in strategy and technology helps companies reorient their focus, align stakeholders across departments, and leverage technology to gain a competitive advantage.

Let’s discuss small moves that can make a big impact on your business.