Hybrid and Cloud IT Solutions, Migrations, and Infrastructure Services

Your Strategic Partner for Cloud and Hybrid IT

When you work with GLINTEKO, you’re hiring more than cloud experts. You’re hiring a team with deep knowledge across the entire hybrid IT spectrum. We help healthcare organizations, manufacturers, and businesses build on-premises data centers, migrate their IT operations and platforms to the cloud, and manage everything in-between.

We will help you strategically determine what mix of cloud and on-prem solutions will deliver the most value, security, and speed for your business needs and unique IT environment. Then we work alongside your team to design, build, migrate, and optimize your hybrid IT infrastructure.

With increasing demands across teams to deliver more to consumers at a faster pace, GLINTEKO can help you orient your approach, align toward a common goal, and accelerate business growth at any stage of your cloud journey.


With services like cloud adoption workshops, assessments, foundations, and migration planning, GLINTEKO can help you leverage the cloud to effectively drive business value and avoid the pitfalls of a poorly executed implementation.


Whether you need product for your on-prem environment, you need support with migrating to the cloud, or you have a specific need for disaster recovery, backups, infrastructure refresh, or other cloud solutions, GLINTEKO can help you successfully implement a hybrid cloud approach that makes sense for your organization.


Few organizations are fully and efficiently utilizing their hybrid environment. At GLINTEKO, we can help your organization find efficiencies, optimize your consumption costs, and automate processes like updates and patches. Plus, our managed services can free your team from growing technical debt so they can focus on what matters most: innovation and growth.

What Is Hybrid IT?

Hybrid IT, often referred to as hybrid cloud, is an environment comprised of on-prem IT infrastructure, private cloud, and public cloud resources working in tandem to deliver both internal and external services for your organization. That synchronization is possible through proprietary technology that makes your data and applications portable across environments. And the primary function of a hybrid cloud approach is to distribute your workloads in an optimized way to lower costs and increase performance.

At the big-picture level, hybrid cloud’s cross-functional approach is ideal for aligning business and technology. It allows you to quickly move forward with digital transformation utilizing platforms, products, applications, and services that are optimized for the specific results your business values most. With hybrid and cloud solutions, you can deliver outstanding experiences to end users, whether they are employees, customers, or anyone else who interacts with your organization.

Three Key Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Hybrid IT solutions offer a wide range of benefits over wholly on-premises IT infrastructure. These are some of the reasons organizations migrate some (or all) of their data center to the cloud:


Using public cloud services like Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS) means you are tapping into vast data center infrastructure that is distributed across the globe. Also known as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), the public cloud offers the ability to immediately take advantage of more IT resources as you need them, whether because your organization is growing or because your connected products and services are in higher demand. Similarly, you can immediately scale down if demand drops due to seasonality or other changes to your resource requirements.


With IT services distributed across multiple data centers in a hybrid cloud environment, you reduce your risk of data loss, outages, slowdowns, and other problems. With an exclusively on-premises IT solution, those risks are significantly higher. Power outages, extreme weather, cooling system failures, fires, and numerous other disasters can cripple your infrastructure.


With flexible, predictable payment options for cloud usage, you can effectively budget for your IT needs and avoid significant capital expenditures. Rather than investing huge sums in hardware, more floor space, climate control systems, and all the other costs associated with building or expanding your on-premises data center.

Hybrid cloud offers many other benefits, from increased security to accelerating innovation. Depending on the specific needs of your organization and your industry, a hybrid IT solution may offer unique benefits, like increasing the speed of your applications and services to your end users.

Is a Hybrid Cloud Solution Right for Your Business?

All that being said, no organization should simply move to the cloud if it’s not going to deliver real business value. Many businesses do face challenges as they attempt to implement and manage a hybrid IT system. Before setting off on your journey to the cloud, consider some of these important questions:

Does Your IT Team Have the Knowledge, Skills, and Bandwidth Required?

In a recent survey, 63% of IT professionals indicated that a skills gap on their team was one of the biggest challenges associated with hybrid IT. In the same survey, 46% faced increased responsibilities and workloads that interfered with their ability to effectively implement and maintain a hybrid cloud solution for their organization. Both of these challenges can be overcome if you work with the right partner for your technology needs.

Do You Have Alignment and Communication Across Teams?

Different teams may use different cloud providers or environments for their specific needs, which can result in cost tracking issues and a lot of wasted spend. A strong communication plan, governance across teams, and an effective cost management system are crucial for the success of your hybrid cloud and business as a whole.

Do You Have the Right Networking Tools and Strategies for Ongoing Success?

One of the most important factors for effective hybrid IT deployment and maintenance is keeping all your environments connected and working together seamlessly. That requires advanced tools and strategies to securely connect, integrate, and orchestrate all the separate pieces of your organization’s network into a cohesive infrastructure.

What Unique Security, Privacy, and Application Issues Do You Need to Address?

Every organization has unique needs and challenges they face when it comes to their IT infrastructure. For example, in the healthcare industry, data privacy and regulations like HIPAA will play an essential role in your decision-making about what resources to allocate to on-premises, private cloud, and public cloud environments. For organizations whose business and network demands fluctuate or are unpredictable, public cloud resources are going to be crucial for cost control. In short, your organization is unlike any other, and having a strategic partner who can help you move forward in a conscientious, thoughtful way will make sure you avoid unnecessary risks and costs.

At GLINTEKO, we’ve helped dozens of enterprise-level businesses and healthcare organizations ask the right questions, align their teams toward a common goal, and implement cost-effective cloud solutions that drive new value. With a long history of deep technology expertise, we can help you determine what should live where and ensure that your data center and cloud environments live in harmony.

Move to the Cloud With Glinteko

Moving to the cloud is a journey, and many organizations aren’t sure where to start (or even what to pack). Others struggle along the way. And some reach their destination only to discover it’s not what they thought it would be. As technical debt increases and new business demands are placed on IT professionals, routine maintenance can fall by the wayside and IT teams may struggle to make the shift from cost-center to innovation-driver.

GLINTEKO can come in at any stage of your hybrid cloud journey to keep your team moving forward. Below are just a few examples of our service offerings that span the entire hybrid cloud implementation process.




With an in-depth IT environment assessment, our experts can help you (1) identify high-risk issues in your hardware, software, applications, and processes; (2) discover opportunities for infrastructure optimization; and (3) build a strategic roadmap for future business success and cross-functional alignment.


Our hybrid cloud experts have guided many organizations in the transition to the cloud. In this immersive workshop, we come on-site to work with you and your key IT stakeholders to identify the value and opportunities of a hybrid IT approach.


The cloud experts at GLINTEKO can help you determine which applications and platforms are good candidates for a cloud migration—and what should stay on-prem. We’ll assess your unique IT environment and help you plan for the future.


In GLINTEKO's cloud foundation engagement, our team works with you to build the essentials for a hybrid cloud approach. Upon completion, you will be able to start moving workloads to the cloud and making forward-thinking decisions about your on-premise infrastructure strategy.


With a clear understanding of your environment, GLINTEKO can help your team create a plan to move applications and platforms to the cloud on a timeline that makes sense for your organization.



Very few organizations move all their IT operations to the cloud. When parceling workloads across public cloud, private cloud, and on-prem solutions, your on-prem data center needs to be optimized for the specific off-cloud workloads it will be handling. At GLINTEKO, we are brand-agnostic when it comes to tech refreshes and on-prem data center upgrades. With decades of technology and configuration experience, our teams can work alongside you to determine the best products for your specific needs, get them installed and configured, and manage their performance.


Once your organization is ready to move to the cloud, our team is here to support or manage your migration so you can experience minimal interruptions in service.


Sometimes called “business continuity,” disaster recovery provides a total system backup of your data and applications. In a disaster or outage, the cloud becomes your new environment and allows users to continue their day-to-day operations with minimal downtime. On the cloud, your DR environment can also act as a sandbox for testing or as an overflow if sudden demand arises. Plus, having DR in the cloud means you only pay for it when you use it.


Backup as a service (BaaS) on the cloud allows companies to back up and store their data by connecting to a public, private, or hybrid cloud rather than investing in on-premises infrastructure or trying to manage tapes and other storage media themselves.


Not all applications are cloud native, which means they don’t benefit from baked-in cloud benefits and functionality like automatic updates, increased security, early access to new features, etc. With GLINTEKO's application migration and modernization services, we help you determine your best path forward with the 6 R’s: rehosting, replatforming, refactoring or re-architecting, retiring, or retaining. This process is especially important for applications that support or deliver digital experiences for consumers.


New applications for cloud computing arise every day. New and updated features, software, and solutions (particularly in niche industries) are regularly created and deployed in the cloud. At GLINTEKO, our deep technical expertise has allowed us to continually innovate and architect tailored solutions to the unique challenge’s manufacturers, healthcare organizations, and other businesses face.



A lot of organizations make the move to the cloud or a hybrid environment and aren’t getting the results they were hoping for. With our cloud optimization services, we evaluate your environment to see where you can implement automation and other measures to optimize costs, speed, and velocity.


When your hybrid cloud environment is up and running, our team of experts can help you manage day-to-day operations while your experts focus on innovation and driving new growth.

Whether you’re considering the cloud, struggling to realize all the benefits the cloud has to offer, or getting bogged down in technical debt and troubleshooting, GLINTEKO is here to help. Our approach to hybrid cloud services involves more than just delivering on a statement of work (SOW) or service level agreement (SLA). We strive for continuous improvement, increasing efficiency, and driving down cloud costs through automating, re-architecting, and other DevOps initiatives.

The 5 Pillars of Glinteko’s Hybrid IT Methodology


Everything grows and changes. Where and how is the question.


The right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons.


Tools may change, but this is what you’ve been doing all along.


Alignment and accountability are key to avoiding mistakes and managing costs.


Improve, automate, and drive value.


By attending to all 5 pillars, you can achieve the future you imagine.

Go Beyond Infrastructure With Glinteko

Experience is the center of today’s digital universe for consumers, employees, and employers. Cloud computing has revolutionized the technology experience for everyone, and that shift has raised the bar for manufacturers, healthcare organizations, and businesses of every kind. To stay relevant and compete for both new talent and new business, your team needs to reorient your practices to meet these new needs and expectations. That requires a deep understanding of people and technology, and it requires alignment across teams to deliver a meaningful experience.

To accelerate growth, it’s not enough to simply use the cloud for document storage. It’s not enough to allow users to access your applications on multiple devices. You need to think bigger and connect people in meaningful ways by creating meaningful experiences.

At GLINTEKO, we are uniquely qualified to help you plan for the future and overcome the challenges slowing down and blocking your success in this new, experience-driven digital landscape. And that goes beyond helping you transition to a hybrid IT approach. It can involve rethinking your business strategy, using data to gain actionable insights, freeing up your internal team to focus on innovation, and more.


At GLINTEKO, our unique expertise in strategy and technology helps companies reorient their focus, align stakeholders across departments, and leverage technology to gain a competitive advantage.

Let’s discuss small moves that can make a big impact on your business.