Consumer, Retail & E-commerce

Some of the key challenges being faced by the Indian Consumer and Retail industry, over the last three years have been the falling disposable income coupled with soaring inflation. All these suggested signs of a weak economy. Consumers became cautious and hoarded for a rainy day. This impacted the industry, with year-on-year growth falling exceptionally low and even negative in some cases. However, over the last few years, change in political regime has impacted the consumer sentiment in a positive manner. This along with key macro indicators, disposal income and inflation, real estate correction, has improved situation for the better. The industry appears to be gearing up to take advantage of the expected positives being witnessed by the system.

Agriculture and Food sector forms an important part of the Consumer Products industry. While this sector presents immense opportunities for investments, it also faces many challenges such as dependence on monsoon, small land holdings, outdated technology and lack of awareness about new developments.

The food processing industry forms an important link between agriculture, manufacturer and the consumer. It ensures better prices to farmers, thereby, indirectly encouraging higher agriculture production. It also helps in reducing wastage of food on account of their perishability.

Challenges abound in the food and beverage industry, whether it’s changing demographics, food safety, cost control, sustainability or demand for locally sourced items. GLINTEKO’s Sector team works with manufacturers, distributors and retailers, delivering solutions designed to promote growth and create value. Whether it’s:

  • Corporate finance
  • Transaction Advisory Services
  • Valuation
  • Assurance
  • Tax and regulatory
  • Forensic
  • Internal Audit and Controls

The Consumer Products sector is growing rapidly and is extremely dynamic. Owing to our in-depth knowledge, experience in the local market, and our access to the global network, we help provide our clients the exceptional advantage to capture available opportunities and face challenges, if any.

The E-commerce sector in India experienced an unparalleled growth last year. It has revolutionised the conduct of business and has also transformed the buying experience for a consumer. The sector is witnessing a consolidation in business through strategic partnerships, inbound investments, and mergers and acquisitions. Companies are seeking to get access to customers, talent, intellectual property and technology both through organic and inorganic routes. GLINTEKO India provides the platform to these companies to focus on their growth by supporting our clients through our service offerings across all stages of evolution.

Our sector focused practitioners for assurance, tax and advisory are well-placed to support all your business needs, providing a wide basket of services, with the objective of becoming advisor of choice. We can help you with your international expansion plans and keep you up to date with latest international trends and innovations in this sector.


At GLINTEKO, our unique expertise in strategy and technology helps companies reorient their focus, align stakeholders across departments, and leverage technology to gain a competitive advantage.

Let’s discuss small moves that can make a big impact on your business.