Application/Software Modernization

Vintage furniture? We love it. But vintage web systems are a different story.

We’ve uncovered many businesses running a blend of systems out there. From brand new architecture, to programs that were around when we were still making calls from pay phones. We’ve seen it all—and understand it all, too.

Our clients hire GLINTEKO for fresh, inventive thinking around ways to remake these existing processes and systems. We can often build on, and greatly enhance, existing Windows and web systems—if they measure up to certain age and compatibility yardsticks. Or we may choose to re-platform to a more progressive domain-driven architecture—on web and mobile platforms that are hosted on site, or in the clouds of Azure and Amazon. From Microsoft .Net to contemporary frameworks like Angular, using native and cross platform tools such as Cordova and Xamarin, we can leverage modern benefits and help drive innovation while holding down costs.

When software is the subject, questions are sure to abound. Is it as agile as you need to be? Are your customers delighted by the experience? Do your systems provide the information you need, when you need it? Are the applications supporting and embracing real digital transformation? If the answer to all of the above isn’t “yes, absolutely,” let our GLINTEKO team help get you there.


At GLINTEKO, our unique expertise in strategy and technology helps companies reorient their focus, align stakeholders across departments, and leverage technology to gain a competitive advantage.

Let’s discuss small moves that can make a big impact on your business.