Government & Public Sector

The public sector faces many challenges – globalization, budget cutbacks and increased citizen expectations. GLINTEKO works hand in hand with Government customers across the globe to help them meet those challenges through digital transformation strategies, technology delivery and citizen-led innovation.

Bringing New Thinking to Solve Public Sector Challenges

Digitalization Governments the opportunity to reorganize and rethink the way services are delivered. We draw on our global community of Public Sector experts and our Applied Innovation Exchange – a unique ecosystem of start-ups, accelerators, incubators, strategic technology and business partners – to help customers to introduce new approaches and ideas to service delivery.

Role of government in public sector are as follows

Develpoment of infrastructure

Development of infrastructure comprising transport, power communication, basic industries,etc. is a pre condition of growth. These projects don't promise high profits thus private entrepreneurs don't undertake them.

Develpoment of backward areas

The goal of achieving a reduction in economic inequality between regions becomes easy to reach, if industries are setup in the backward areas. The govt. finds it necessary to start industrial production there.

Basic facilities

Providing health, education facilities for all is an example. Running proper schools providing quality education, particularly elementary education is the duty of govt.

Other problems

Malnourishment, high infant mortality rate, unsafe drinking water, lack of housing facilities etc. need special attention. These problems can be only solved by the govt.


At GLINTEKO, our unique expertise in strategy and technology helps companies reorient their focus, align stakeholders across departments, and leverage technology to gain a competitive advantage.

Let’s discuss small moves that can make a big impact on your business.